Wednesday, May 26, 2010

my first love.........

he was loving.........

he was caring..............

he was the first one to touch my heart deeply................

he taught me the meaning of love.....

he was the first one whome i loved unconditionaly ( and will always do )............

no body can replace him....

i know after reading all these lines...u must be feeling ...that m talking about some random guy........

But, no.. !! m not........

I am talking about a man whos age was around 40.............

he was my dad..........and "HE" was my first love.......he taught me how to love and that is true....he was the most handsome man i had ever seen...i dont understand that why does a guy whome u date has to be ur first love....why cant ur parents be........

N i am proud to say ...that i loved n love my dad more than anyother guy who has come in my he is actualy the one who loved me unconditionaly......i learnt how to love unconditionaly from him...

i remmember we used to say "luv u" when ever we used to keep the phone down....But, today hes not there with me physicaly...n i do miss him......

But still i know he is around me...nd taking care of me at every step....

today i wanna talk about him.....

Nd this one is dedicated to my father ( my first love....)

he was one person...who used to fullfill all my wishes .... even if i had said that in a very low voice.....i remmember on night he stayed back in his factory...just bcoz...he had forgoten to buy a tent house for me..and he knew that i would be waiting and he could not look into my broken eyes , as he had promised me that he will bring he stayed back and first thing in the morning he went n bought that tent house and then came back home.......

this is how he used to love....n m realy realy proud to have him in my life...even if it ws nt fr a long time....but m pretty sure none other person could have been a better father to me......i remmember ..when he used to get back home...i used to sit in his lap...and tell him everything that happend in the day...n no matter how tired he maybe...he used to lisent with full attention...givin me feedbacks... n scolding any body how had teased me during the day...even my mom....

i can say that very confidently....that even if god would hav offered me "to have some one else as my father and live wth him forever " i would have not even thought twice in choosing my father i dont care if he is not here physicaly....but his memories are enough to give me strenght....he was n is a very special part of my life.......

my life would have been totaly different if he would'nt have been a part of it.......or i would have been a different person if he would not have been a part of it.......

i miss him badly...i miss his touch .....his smell.....his smile......his voice...........but i am still very lucky he was atleast a part of my life once......even in his last year when he was in africa.....he used to specialy mail me....that how much he misses me.....that he wants me to work realy hard in life....

i personaly have not seen any dad around me being so conserned about their children.......i am not judging any body...but.....i know i was one of the lucky people who got this opportunity to have such a great person in his/her life.......

in the end .....i just wanna say it out loud........that i still realy love you dad.....u have been n u will be one of the most special people in my has been 7 years now......but every memory of urs is still so fresh in me......i just cant remember ur voice......but ...i can i have ur smile, ur hug , ur smell there in my memory.....

i love you dad.............