Friday, May 14, 2010

i know you love me too.....

"some people come for season...some people come for reason..but some people come for life time....."
this is a line my best friend told me ..when i dint even know what is a friend....

yes i am pretty sure everybody has had a friend....but a true best friend is something out of this world...that person comes into your life...and everything becomes bright....i have my bestfriend...she is one person..who has changed my way of seeing life....i can fight with her, i can cry infront of her, i can be whatever i want to be without even thinking twice....surely everybody has expirienced that.....i mean those endless talks on phone (even when our parents are giving the scariest looks..that makes you feel that they can actually eat u from their eyes) still u cant stop talking , gigling, laughing....

.and those nite stays when all your emotions are at their peek ( and then the tuffest time of your life seem to be nothing infornt of the comfort , care and affection of your best friend..) ...there are times when nobody can understand why are you two laughing...its just u two who can understand.....

.today is not a special day.....just a usual day...but as in the morning i did something because of which she(my best friend) thought i dont think she loves, i was filled with emotions n thought of takin it out.....seriously ...its nothing like i dont know she loves me...i know it very well..i do act stupid sometimes...but its just because i know she loves me...

she is like my magic specks if i look at any problem through her...the problem vanishes....she is very small in size but when somebody even thinks of hurting me , he/she pays real bad.......this relation can never be single word or thing can break it..until its true n love that you share is from heart.......even when you meet everyday...still there is a rush of happiness when ever u see that day is normal with your best friend...everyday has some or the other memory..that you cant forget throughout........ if somebody hasnt got his or her best friend / sole sister(the way we call it)...then i would just say that you are missing a real big thing in ur life.....coz believe me this one person would be there with you no matter wat......lovers are important.....but nothing can replace a best friend....(coz you do need a best friend to discuss your lover n your love life.. :) ).......

*as a best friend is not the one who picks u up when you fall down infront of many people ... she is the one who sits with you on the floor so that you dont get embarrassed in front of everybody....

*she is not the one who says that i am always there....she is the one who is there when things are worng...( as saying and doing is the only difference between a friend and a true friend).....

*she is not the one who supports you when you are crying....she is the one who hugs you and crys with you feeling your pain...

*and she is not the one who says m going to" xyz's home " to her boyfriend or to any other person....she is the one who says m going home.......(as even your place is her home....)........

best friend is one word that means alot to me......n today m dedicating my first blog to my bestst friend.....who has all the qualities that are there above.....n just to tell her that i love you and i know you love me 2..... :D
may god bless you....
sakshi :)


  1. I hope to have that kind-a-friend someday !!
    your lucky to have already found that person... very lucky.
    not all of us have that privilege...

  2. i am very happy for you sakshi to hav a person in ur life who truely defines friendship.....miss you dear....keep smiling....and wish to see you soon

  3. I really liked your blog entry, speaking a lot about a true friend. Well, you tried it really well to frame your feelings for a friend. But, the real nectar can't be transformed into words. :)

    Keep on updating your blog, I hope you will refine a lot mantras of life.

    P.S.-> Don't stick labels, to a friend (Best,True,Good), all seems to be superficial.

  4. hey sweetheart love u a lot....:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ......... I realy love ur writing especialy the way u speak out ur heart.....

    P.S: you r d most imp person in my life n i knw tht u knw it.... :)

  5. saakoo.. i totally agree with you..
    havn such a frn or a sista is the best thing that can happen 2 u,,
