Sunday, May 16, 2010

mistakes are just part of life......

Its almost 4:30 in the morning and i cant sleep......there is one thing that is bugging me....

so, i decided to write m gonna talk about "mistakes"........todays blog is specially dedicated to people who think that once they have made a mistake then nothing can be done about it......
Believe me people nothing in this world is un-rectifiable...i dont know if this word exists in the dictionary or not...but its true that.....

if you make mistake , then it was meant to be .... not to make you feel miserable about your own self but to teach you that u dont do it again......if somebody learns from someone else's mistake that person is saint , but if somebody learns from his/hers mistake then that person is "intelligent" should learn from it.....not decide to just leave the thing in which u made that mistake......

i know that everybody has set limits for him/herself and when you cross that limit then you realize that you have made a mistake ( which then carry forward to feeling guilty about your own self.....) some people might start hating them self....some people might just run from this kind of situation for life long......

But seriously do you think its rite ? do you think hating your self is the solution ? do you thinking running from same situations like the one in you made that mistake is rite?
if you cant answer then let me do it for you.......ITS NOT THE ANSWER !!

facing it and rectifying it is the answer......thats true that you cant bring the moment back.....but at-least you can move forward and in future if situation like this happens you can rectify it........

seriously , life is too short to hate yourself or crib on something or feel a guilt about your own self........atleast i have learnt this thing from my grandmother how to live life to the never know what is gonna happen in next one minute....
and if you continue to carry all these negative feelings about your own will even block anything good that could have happened to you....

dont do that atleast to your own self......

even if thousand people come to u and say that" what ever you have done was not wrong" ...or "please move on its ok to make mistakes...." wont help until and unless you forgive yourself all these things wont matter......please grow from inside .... please be loving towards your if you dont love yourself how can anybody else....

ask your own self can you respect anybody who does not respect him/ ! you cant !....its very difficult !

dont make life difficult for your own self.....just think we are here to accomplish something...everybody has to do something in his life and then that person takes an exit ......

dont just let your life suffer for one mistake that you have owe it you your life, to your loved ones , to your sole and most importantly TO YOU !!!

i just hope that after reading this have gained lil positive attitude towards life.....and if you believe that whatever i have said is rite...
Then before signing off for once say " I LOVE YOU" and say "I FORGIVE YOU" to your own self.....and see how you feel....

as if you love yourself and you forgive yourself , then everybody around you would love you...and everything would become normal....even the mistakes that you have made would just vanish....

in the end i just wanna say it again.....
that " life is to short to hate yourself or to crib about something "

sakshi...... :)

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